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Full Circle: A modern Declaration


Given all that’s transpired over the past few decades, it’s become necessary to reset our trajectory away from communism. We need to reacquaint ourselves with the Laws of Nature, and the One True God who entitles them to us.


Generations ago, a nefarious plot was launched against We The People. It was ushered in under the cover of darkness by both democrat and Republican administrations. However, it’s become undeniable under the administration of Barak Obama with his apology tour, and now the Biden and Harris administration. Our nation is in a freefall toward utter destruction.


This current administration as well as the RINO / establishment class disregards our laws—especially the Constitution which was crafted by our forefathers for the good and prosperity of our nation.


This administration and RINO class ignores the voice of the people, therefore denying them representation in local, state and federal legislatures to which they have a right. Such behavior by leaders demonstrates their affection for tyranny.


Political decisions are made unilaterally by executive order, decimating the checks and balances put in place by our founders. Much of this is done to create a disillusioned, weary, and apathetic citizenry who would rather comply with draconic demands rather than resist. Safety first!


Representative government has become an illusion. The tyrannical leaders at the local, state and federal levels disregard legislation from representative bodies, forcing the will of the tyrant / oligarch on the people through veto power and/or abusive judicial systems.


The Biden/Harris/Deep State administration has in the past and continues to interfere with the fair election process disallowing the will of the people to be carried out at the ballot box. As a result, the usurpers have invited a mass invasion across our borders bringing imminent danger into all fifty states. Said invasion is being weaponized to once and for all destroy what remains of our Constitutional Republic.


Current and past administrations have labored to obstruct laws for naturalization of foreign immigrants. These immigrants are discouraged from assimilating into the American Culture and taught in our education systems to revile all our nation has been and is. They are encouraged to become activists to disrupt and destroy what our forefathers envisioned. The end goal of our oppressive oligarchy is to fully replace our population of educated, liberty-loving American Citizens with third world people desperate to comply with tyranny for a roof and morsel of bread. In the end, the oppressive leaders will indefinitely retain power.


The current local, state and federal administrations are perverting the judiciary, using the judicial branch to create and enforce laws, usurping power from the elected bodies of legislators who represent the people.


At the local, state, and federal levels, the administrations appoint judges who will act on the will of the top officials (presidents and governors). Payments and salaries of such judges and court officials reflect their adherence to the will of the ruler.


The bloat of government grows exponentially as current administrations create countless new offices to harass We the People and further diminish our prosperity through increased taxation without representation.


Since WW2, all wars have been illegal, unjust wars, fought without the approval of Congress, therefore without the consent of the people.


The United States military and its leadership has no accountability to the legal citizens who it is charged to defend. This is why the military has become a joke. The focus on DEI and the LGBT()&*TYBHJKITR^Y++ agenda has rendered our armed forces incapable of defending our country should the need arise. This is intentional.


The Biden / Harris administration has given up the sovereignty of our nation to foreign entities such as United Nation, World Health Organization, and World Economic Forum. This administration has taken measures to further the move toward globalism initiated by predecessors.


The Biden / Harris administration is forcing legal American citizens to quarter tens of millions of invading forces among us. These illegal invaders are being protected by our court systems, their rights taking precedence and priority over that of legal American citizens. Taxes to provide for these invaders are being imposed upon toiling Americans to provide for the needs of these illegals.


The Biden / Harris  administration has initiated the weaponization of the judiciary against political opponents by refusing fair trials by impartial jury. They are prosecuting their opposition and any who go against the new leftist ideologies for fictional offenses.


The government of the United States of America has become an arbitrary joke—take note of the obliteration of our boundaries and disregard for the Will of the People.


Current administrations are assuming powers to legislate for us, ignoring our representative bodies at the local, state, and federal levels. We the People have no say in how we are governed or ruled. Our consent is gone.


Once again, must I remind you of the large armies of foreign militants from enemy countries pouring over our southern border without restraint or challenge? These enemies of the American people will one day carry out acts of terrorism leading to the deaths of tens of thousands, if not millions of American citizens. This alone renders the president and his administration a barbarous and cruel dictator unworthy of leading the United States of America.


Federal law enforcement agencies are being conscripted to spy on the legal American citizenry for nefarious purposes such as restricting the practices of free speech, expression of worship, and our right to bear arms. These forces are armed and ready to become executioners of We the People.


Recalling the actions of Black Lives Matter, The Summer of Love, etc., the current administration has encouraged literal insurrections among law-abiding citizens disrupting the way of life, destroying businesses, and ending lives.


Fellow patriots, is this the America we want to bequeath to our children and grandchildren? Do we want to live our lives under such tyranny, oppression, and inflation unlike anything we’ve ever seen in history?


The 2024 election may be the last opportunity we have to change the course of our country. We must wake, get involved, and focus on electing candidates who love our Constitution. Nobody will come to our aid. We are the knights on the white horses. We are our only heroes.


It all begins at the local level where we have the most influence. From there, that influence will reach Washington D.C.


I wonder if any of you recognize this list of grievances. I didn’t make these up—I updated them.


We are back where we started in the late 18th Century. Will we follow in the footsteps of our founders and reclaim the America they built? Or will we roll over and play dead for what we are fooled into thinking are promises of safety and security.


The choice is yours.


What side are you on?



DJ Gudger, author, editor

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