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The 2025 Legislative Session is Upon us

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Do you know what your representatives are up to?

The 2025 Session begins TODAY, January 14 and ends on March 6.

For the first time in Wyoming history, conservatives hold the majority in the house. The Senate holds the near 50/50 split as before. Senate sources assure me the conservatives have a plan and we will see both sides come together for the good of We the People.

These elected officials work for and represent us. Therefore, it is OUR responsibility to communicate with them and hold them accountable to their campaign promises.

Brief overview of how things work:

As they gear up for the 37 day session, our legislators have been drafting and submitting bills to the LSO office (Legal Services). The LSO takes bills and writes them in fancy lawyer-lingo. Personally, we wish they used clear and concise language. But that's another article. Currently, there are over TWO HUNDRED bills submitted via committee, individual sentators/reresentatives, and groups of senators/representatives. More will be added daily. You can read ALL of these proposed bills on

Go to the website and click on 2025 Legislation. They are listed in numerical order. Click on the reference number to read the bill. It's that simple. Wyoleg is user-friendly. You can follow bills as they are debated on in the chambers and ammended. Votes are also recorded.

Our legislature has a YouTube channel. You can watch committee meetings, floor meetings, and Committee of the Whole meetings. You can also TESTIFY via Zoom if you can't travel to Cheyenne. Wyoming is a big state with bad weather in the winter.

In the chambers, the legislators conduct the meetings using Mason's Rules of Order, not Robert's. They are similar.

Bills are introduced by sponsors or reps carrying it. It's read, debate ensues, ammendments are made, and a final vote is made.

Not all bills make it to the chamber. The speaker of the house determines what is discussed and voted upon as do committees. In the senate, the Majority Floor Leader is part of this decision making process.

You can email your senator/representative asking them to vote for/against bills. Let your voice be heard.

An overview of the Legislative Line Up

Secretary of State, Chuck Gray, has partnered with liberty-minded legislators to create a comprehensive plan for election reform. Learn more about that here:

The Freedom Caucus has a Five and Dime plan in which they plan to introduce five pieces of legislature that will benefit We the People of Wyoming within the first ten days of session. Here are the topics:

  • election integrity

  • making sure driver's licences from other states given to illegals are not recognized or given in Wyoming

  • stopping the woke agenda

  • protecting our industries from ESG

  • property tax relief and REFORM

David Iverson interviews members of the FC about the Five and Dime. You will get an in-depth picture of their plan here:

Just Blame Joey interviews Representative Tom Kelly often on Wide Right Turn. You can tune into his podcast to hear Rep. Kelly's perspectives:

Some bills to pay attention to

Did we mention there are over two hundred thus far? Likely, it may reach over 500 by next week when session launches.

Our list of notables is long. It's reference number and title or in some cases, we made the title reader friendly. You can search these and read them for yourself on

Here. We. Go.

HB0032 What is a Woman Act

HB0042 Requites abortion centers to meet same regulations as surgical centers

HB0046 Homeschool Freedom Act

HB0064 Ultrasound requirement for chemical abortions

HB0072 Protection of womens' privacy in public spaces

HB0089 Require wind turbine blade disposal on site

HB0099 Legalizing corner crossing

HB0102 Making attorney general an elected, not appointed position

HB0108 Firearm purchase protections

HB0114 Protecting the right to assemble in states of emergency

HB0116 Illegals CAN'T have Wyoming driver's licenses

HB0121 Hospital pricing transparency

HB0128 amend definitions of health emergencies

HB0131 ballot box prohibition

HB0134 No more taxpayer funding of sexually explicit events

HB0135 protecting people from spike protiens by allowing direct blood transfusions

HJ0002 Foreign adversaries can't buy land or own property in WY

SF0021 Ban cell phones in schools (for students)

SF0044 fairness in collegiate sports (protection of women at the college level)

SF0058 elimination of sales tax on firearms

SF0064 Stop electronic tracking of livestock

SF0077 Compelled speech is not free speech

SF0078 prohibition of distribution of unsolicited ballot forms

SF0092 Make Carbon Dioxide Great Again!

SF0098 school board party affiliation

These are some bills that caught our eye. There are many more, and many more will be added. Look them up and read for yourself. Stay informed.

As always, we are here to help you be an informed, thoughtful voter. In the near future, we will release our stance on Convention of States.

Stay free,


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