Our Story
This humble endeavor was spawned by a small group of liberty minded citizens meeting for coffee at a local restaurant. They were troubled that the current direction of the Natrona County GOP is counter intuitive to liberty, in its political form, composition, and aspirations. To that end, we resolve the following: Our purpose is to advance and defend the cause of our God given freedom, by launching the voice of liberty across multiple platforms and venues, while assiduously listening to the voices and opinions of liberty minded citizens in our county, state and beyond. May God help us.

Preamble to Virtuous Liberty
It’s what we know. It’s what we do. It’s who we are. We’re at home in Virtuous Liberty. We’re restless in the absence of Virtuous Liberty. We know what works and what doesn’t. We willingly devote our time and resources to advance Virtuous Liberty. We’re passionate about our mission to Advance Virtuous Liberty in Natrona County and Beyond. We recognize Virtuous Liberty isn’t self perpetuating. We harken back to the God given wisdom of our Founders. We acknowledge our fight is here and now, proven in the caldron of the present. Pursuing Virtuous Liberty demands innovation and understanding that change is inevitable with boundaries. We understand Trust must be earned. Tradition is honorable, but it is secondary to the veneration and advancement of Truth, as revealed in God’s Word. We must steadfastly refuse to be shackled, subjugated, succumb, or surrender to the shrill voices and beguiling demands of the majority, or bow to tyrannical forces in any form, so help me God.