It's been nearly a month since Biden put an end to women's sports and women in general. All spaces are now men's spaces. For all intents and purposes, women no longer exist.
Democrats have been against women for quite a while now, and it was no surprise Biden perverted Title 9. That's why some in the Wyoming legislature tried to be proactive.
The What is a Woman Act, penned by Representative Jeanette Ward HD 57, was co- sponsored by representatives Allemand, Angelos, Bear, Haroldson, Hornok, Jennings, Locke, Neiman, Ottman, Pendergraft, Penn, Rodriguez-Williams, Slagle, Smith, Strock along with Senators French, Ide, and Steinmetz.
Being a budget session, 2/3 majority was needed for introduction. Should be a no-brainer with a Republican supermajority, right?
It failed. The infographic shows all who voted against introducing the bill. The names in blue are Democrats. Everyone else pretends to be a Republican.
Now, 22 red states are suing the feds to protect women. But not Wyoming. The Gordon administration drags its feet. Our Secretary of State, Chuck Gray is calling out Gordon and Superintendent of Public Instruction, Degenfelder for this delay. According to the Cowboy State Daily (who we won't link because they block people on Facebook), the governor gives the excuse of exploring options.
Voters, nobody is coming on.a white horse to save any of us from the destruction these fake republicans and democrats are causing our state and nation. It's up to you. To us.
The infographic with this arcicle shows you who NOT to vote for. Campaign against them. Run against them.
Now is not the time to hope someone else does it or all will be lost for our children and grandchildren.
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DJ, webmaster, content creator